Sunday, June 12, 2011

Accessing Blocked Websites

With the ease of configuration of Opera Unite Webproxy and ease of Wampserver, i will make use of my home computer as a webproxy.

Apache is only use from wampserver installation. MySQL, PHP are for my later development. CGI is implemented with active perl as in the following link.
The directory of wamp server is c:\wamp\www. Therefore, I reside the cgi script in that directory rather than htdocs.

It is ok to get through. But Opera Unite is not an SSL proxy. Therefore, I cannot get to facebook.

Google Sketch Up

After trying sketch up, i have to accept that this is the best tool i have ever used in sketching 3D. Except from the fact that a mouse is essential, ease of use weights way better than those CAD software I have been using in drawing. I will also try out other sketching tools such as BLENDER also since my experience is mostly on CAD rather than sketching.

Following video shows how efficient and easy to draw a chair with sketch up (We can also enter length, height, etc. precisely).


3D models are available for purchase for the lazy and more of programmer rather than artists to develop 3D games. Models can be purchased here:
Google it. There are so many . . .

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Installing Andriod SDK

Andriod developers webpage ( recommended to download and install the executable installer "installer_r11-windows.exe". The installer always detect the JRE but cannot detect the JDK installed. This is because the installer searches "Java.exe" file at the "C:\Program Files\Java" folder alphabetically and sequentially. Usually JRE installed earlier reside in the folder and alphabetically, they are the first one to be found. Even with the path variable set to correct JDK directory, the installer always found the JRE only.

When I rename the "java.exe" the old JRE directory, the program can find the JDK installation and can continue with installation.

Or simply, download the "" file and unzip into a folder.
